Friday, July 10, 2009

BigfOOoot's flipflops?!?


The book that really inspired me on how I perceive the world is the new york's bestseller book entitled "The Road less traveled" written by Dr. M. Scott Peck. It's very uplifting for my spirit bec. it gives me ways to understand more the true essence of life and how you can live life in wackiest and craziest way like a long ride in roller coaster!

I entitled this blog "Bigfoot's flipflops" bec. this book made a great impact in my perspective towards life. The vast meaning of LIFE is now getting clearer and clearer (not the shampooo!)to me. Life s difficult. (anyone disagrees?) But understanding those hardships, challenges, trials, problems and challenges mold us into a well polished individual. We can learn from our daily experiences and even from our mistakes. I used the word "flipflops" bec. knowing those lessons don't stop there. We must apply them in order for us to get in our own final goal. We must be equipped with confidence in ourselves and in God, for HE is the only one who will never leaves us especially when we are engulfed with our worldly burdens.

To give you the overview of this book, it simply gives you insights on how to make your life easier. In every little journey we take, we often face decision-makings, whether to choose this way or that way. Two options or two different roads are given that make us confuse more often than not if we have limited experiences. Many people always take the more alluring road adorned by earthly temptations because they find it more convenient and few are choosing the rough road. The persons who chose the easier road don't think that they will have to fall in a very long line which lasts thousand of miles. On the contrary, the few persons who chose the dark road travel lightly and undeniably tiring. But the important things are how you take your every step and whom the people you are with. These aspects make your travel meaningful and unforgettable! In the end, we become more refined and stronger in struggling those hardships. Life is tough but we can be TOUGHER!

I have one secret to share with you guys(so it's not secret anymore). I've learned upon reading the said book that when you are overwhelmed, exhausted, dizzy or you can feel your brain turned upside down because your professor give you a mathematical problems which came from nowhere...the secret is to BREATH! Simple, to inhale and to exhale. But not too much bec. you might blast an unpleasant odor! ha ha ha! When you breath, aside from it relaxes your muscles, it also reminds you that you're only a human. You can't work everything or you can't do everything in a single instance. You need a help bec. you're an imperfect human being and you need the guide of the creator.

"Hey jAaassssOOonnnN! Go to sleep, you still have classes tomorrow!" my mom said, with her full force in her vocal chords! wahahaha!Oops! I must leave now but I'll be bcak in a few moments. (or Daaayyysss?! harhar)

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