Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What's up, lollipop?

What's up with ME now?

Want to know the latest trend? How about the hottest fashion statement? Or the newest movies, whether local or international, in the box office? Be with me and let's talk anything under the sun!

Fortunately, I'm a 2nd year Chemical Engineering student enrolled in The University of Sto. Thomas right now. I was separated to my former classmates because they chose morning classes. There are 4 sections in CHE but only 1 section has a morning schedule. During the pre-sectioning, almost all wants to be in that section. But for me, it's inconvenient that's why I'd rather choose afternoon classes. One reason is that I traveled almotst one hour and a half everyday because my place is far from the University. But it's okay, i know that I'm lucky because I have a lot og beautiful and nice classmates in my new section.

In this semester, I have new sets of goals. I aim to be a scholar bec. I want to reciprocate the sacrifices of my parents. Another is to have new set of friends. I' very approachable and friendly person that's why I have a lot of friends but few I considered as 'best friends". I want to study french language in summer so I can express myself in french even word by word. My uncle wants me to visit him in Paris, France when a lot of free time or during vacation. I hope that plan will come true. My goal also is to find an inspiration or special someone. I realized that my EQ is higher than my IQ meaning, I work ay my best when I'm inspired or I blast my full potentials if there is someone that encourages me. I want that someone to be with me not bec. I want HER to be only a subject of my inspiration but bec. I want to share my life with her. :)

Three things I really loved: Chocolates, books and FOOoood! I'm so much addicted in chocolates. I want to eat chocolates as my dessert in every after meal. And if there are chocolates lost in the refrigerator, the suspect would be definitely MEeehhh! hehehe. On the contrary, others thought that I seldom eat bec. I'm too slim at my age and compared to my batchmates. But I tell you, every now and then, I eat, EAT and eat a lOOoooot! It's in my genes that's why I don't easily get fat. I'm fond of taking pictures of myself espeically when I hangout with my friends in malls, markets, universitites and "caves". We're the only ones who know what "cave" means to us. hahaha. Lately, i'm enjoying listening to old songs and Japanese songs. Maybe the reason is that the OPM songs are now just simple. They made songs which have repeatitive lyrics and even others are just reviving the old songs by just changing the melody little bit. But for me, some old songs are more soulful to hear because the lyrics have very meaningful impact to the listeners because the composers really think, THINK and think of them.

I'm already a 'sailor' in this university. Oops! Not like Popeye ,who has big muscles and have a background songs of pOOoooot PoooOOOTTt!Ho ho ho! I'm a 'sailor n the aspect of dealing everyday with different circumstances like for example the unending floods n espaƱa! Errr. It's very annoying bec. there are many people that are stranded and bec. a snake-like traffic. On the other hand, I know very well to go when it's hot. I've found a lot of spots which have very convenient aircons like for example in the library, I discovered sections that are really cOool! ha ha ha! But oh! Don't think that I just go to the library to refresh myself with the cool ambience there, I really loved reading books and anime manga in the internet section(except the facilitator is very strict in guarding those who will ply games, whappack!) during my spare time.

That's all folks!

-- I would very much appreciate if you guys will leave a comment. THANKS!

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